Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Jungle By Upton Sinclair - 1437 Words

America is known as the golden opportunity to live a better life, have freedom, and liberty. Immigrants believe that America could improve their quality of life. Immigrants encountered extreme poverty in their countries and affording a family was impossible. However, the reality is much more horrendous and the true successors in the labor force are the wealthy business owners. The Jungle is a fictional novel by Upton Sinclair, reveals the real reality of working in the labor force in America and the dehumanizing of capitalism. The capitalist class took advantage of the working class by having them under their thumb and took away labor rights, threatening their freedom of speech, and abusing them physically and mentally. The working†¦show more content†¦Then Jurgis coveted his face with his hands, for there were tears in his eyes, and he felt like a fool. But he had such a horrible fright: strong man as he was, it left him almost too weak to stand up.†(Sinclair 62). J urgis and Ona s family buy a house in poor conditions and needs to pay rent for seven years. Unfornaletely, rent is extremely high and Antanus, a Jurgis old man, gets a job in the pickle room. Antanus old age became the reason why he couldn t handle the job and ends up dying. Secondly, Jurgis realize that the meatpacking plant ethics are not appropriate, so he joins a union. Jurgis becomes injured in work and very ill, so the bills end up pilling up. Maria ends up sending her children to the workforce to provide for the expenses. The author also provides how the workforce affect a woman. Ona becomes pregnant once again and sick from working for many hours. She deals with her boss harassing her. Jurgis becomes arrested for confronting the Ona s boss. She decides to leave her home. The family ends up dealing with more economic disadvantages. Jurgis ends up lay off and gets a job in fertilizer with the worst job qualities. Life after prison is not easy either, but Jurgis still becomes hopeful to help out his family with the bills. When he goes home he realizes that his family is another resident home. Unfortunately, Ona gave birth but both the baby and she did not make it. Jurgis ends up looking for work toShow MoreRelatedThe Jungle By Upton Sinclair1526 Words   |  7 Pagessocietal and government reforms did â€Å"The Jungle† call for. Do you feel this novel was effective in bringing about any of these reforms. â€Å"The Jungle†, written by Upton Sinclair, is an astonishing novel informing readers about the devastating truths involving impoverished life in America, particularly Chicago. This novel gives the reader an inside look into to the struggles of numerous European immigrants as they ventured to America during the early 1900 s. Sinclair depicts the disturbing and emotionalRead MoreThe Jungle By Upton Sinclair986 Words   |  4 PagesThe life of Jurgis Rudkus, from the novel The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, shares many parallels to the life of the working class in American society during the period 1865 to 1910. that limits the freedom of the working class. Even though it is stated on paper that working class citizens such as Jurgis are equals and just as free as the upper-class citizens, society limited the the freedom of the working class. People like Jurgis are not truly â€Å"free† because the social and political forces at the timeRead MoreThe Jungle By Upton Sinclair 1155 Words   |  5 Pages8/10/17 The Jungle By Upton Sinclair Book Review The working conditions in the US in the 20th  century were diffcult since workers had to struggle to survive on the daily bases.The Jungle written by Upton Sinclair does not only highlight the life of American workers but also uncovers the infleunce of capitalism in the US, where workers and employees were destined to fight for a living, while the upper-class reaped the benefits of national wealth.The Jungle gives many examples of theRead MoreThe Jungle by Upton Sinclair651 Words   |  3 Pages This book is called The Jungle. The Author or this book goes by the name of Upton Sinclair. The Jungle was published on February 26, 1906. Upton Sinclair is an American author with almost 100 books which are based on many different genres. Sinclair is a journalist, novelist, as well as a political activist. Sinclair is most famous for this book. The Jungle is a novel that is based on the disgusting conditions of the US meatpacking industry, and the hardships of the labor that immigrant me n and womenRead MoreThe Jungle by Upton Sinclair1400 Words   |  6 PagesWhat are the major issues Sinclair addresses in The Jungle? The Jungle by Upton Sinclair is a vivid account of life for the working class in the early 1900s. Jurgis Rudkus and his family travel to the United States in search of the American dream and an escape from the rigid social structure of Lithuania. Instead, they find a myriad of new difficulties. Sinclair attributes their problems to the downfalls of capitalism in the United States. While America’s system was idealistic for Jurgis and hisRead MoreThe Jungle By Upton Sinclair1210 Words   |  5 PagesThe Jungle by written by Upton Sinclair Book Report This report is based upon the book The Jungle, written by Upton Sinclair. This book was published by The Jungle Publishing Co. New York in 1906. Introduction of Author: Upton Sinclair was born on September 20, 1878, in Baltimore, Maryland. He belonged to a family off southern aristocracy but once Sinclair was born, his family went into poverty. Sinclair was a very smart boy and graduated from high school at the age of fourteen to go on and attendRead MoreThe Jungle by Upton Sinclair 792 Words   |  3 PagesCritics often argue that Upton Sinclair, author of many classic American novels including The Jungle, was cynical and bitter even. However if one were to dig just a bit deeper they may realize that Sinclair was spot on in his idea that this â€Å"American dream† that our country sells is actually a work of fiction. In his book The Jungle, Sinclair, points out the flaws of the American dream. Many immigrants traveled thousands of miles aboard, cramped, disease infested, ships with hope of coming to thisRead MoreThe Jungle By Upton Sinclair1260 Words   |  6 Pages The Jungle by Upton Sinclair was published in 1906. After reading two-hundred and ninety-four pages, it is evident that humans have been shaping the world over time and the world has been shaping us as well. A lot has changed since the industrial revolution, the time frame in which this novel takes place. Our food industries have improved, money value has risen, and job opportunities have expanded. Throughout The Jungle the reader follows an immigrant family on their journey of hardships andRead MoreThe Jungle By Upton Sinclair937 Words   |  4 PagesThe Jungle, by Upton Sinclair and Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, by Frederick Douglass both bring forth personal or fictional events that capture t he interest of the the reader. The use of pathos in their writing along with true events questions the ethics, morality, and human rights of each individual at the time setting for the publication. In the book, The Jungle, Upton Sinclair advocates for the overall elimination of oppression and exploitation of workers andRead MoreThe Jungle By Upton Sinclair1334 Words   |  6 Pages1900s there were already more than 10 million immigrants living in America. Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle reveals the struggles and hardships of a family that immigrated to the United States from Lithuania during the 1900s. Although many immigrant families came to America in search of a better life, soon most found themselves barely surviving with no job, food, shelter, or money. As is the case of the family in The Jungle. The novel not only unveils the corruption of the political and economic system

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